Organic Clothing Is What's Hot for Women's Montebello CG55 Black Winter

As you start filling your closet with your winter wardrobe and deciding what new pieces you'll buy with your hard earned money, take a moment to consider what's important in this day and age. We all know that the environment is taking a beating from pollutants and chemicals and every day more chemicals seep into our bodies becoming a permanent part of our physical make-up. So what does all that have to do with organic clothing?

Organic clothing is an investment you can make in materials that are gentle to the earth and help sustain ecosystems. Here are a couple of cool facts about some of the most popular types of organic textiles:

Bamboo is a tree but is more like a weed Canada Goose Jackets Shop. It grows rapidly, spreading its roots deep into the soil to help prevent erosion. Because it grows quickly, bamboo farms can replenish their supplies without tapping into forests or old growth reserves. As a fabric, bamboo clothing is silky soft against the skin with excellent wicking properties. It's anti-microbial and the bamboo shirt I have has never smelled, despite many a long climb up mountains in steamy hot summer temperatures. I already miss summer a little bit Canada Goose.

Hemp is an ideal fabric for winter. The thick, nubby texture of this textile actually works to regulate body temperature, keeping you warmer in cool temperatures and cooler in warm ones. Hemp is a very distinct plant, and should not be confused with marijuana. Marijuana gets you high; hemp does not Canada Goose Jackets . Hemp clothing is not just hippy grunge-wear anymore. You can find classic hemp t-shirts, pants and dresses that are as fashionable as anything you're going to find at designer stores. A quick Internet search will bring up everything you need to know.

The organic clothing most people are familiar with is organic cotton. The benefit of buying organic over traditional cotton is there are no pesticides or insecticides Women's Montebello CG55 Black. That means no chemical run-offs that can kill the birds and the bees or the deer and the bear or your cute pet Fido or Kitty. You get the look and feel of cotton without the harmful environmental degradation that comes with traditional cotton. Most organic cotton farmers aim for rain-fed crops meaning no additional drain on our water resources that are becoming more precious by the day.

So this winter, follow the fashion trend of many famous designers and go green, (and green is a big color this fall/winter) go green in fabric and buy organic, sustainable materials. If you're looking to clean out some old clothes that don't get worn anymore, consider donating them to a local charity or doing a clothing swap with friends. Fill those empty spaces with sustainable materials and every time that fabric touches your skin, you'll know it's chemical free and contributing a healthier, happier you.